Diabetes and Serving Sizes…

health2Being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, the types of food, serving sizes, and exercise become important for a healthy lifestyle. I know, I have Type II diabetes and I do not take insulin or medication. I manage my diabetes through diet and exercise. It is hard but must be a part of my lifestyle in order to maintain a reasonable healthy way of living.

The amount you eat or drink plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Experts recommend that every day you eat two servings of lean protein, at least three servings of whole grains and low fat dairy products, four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables. But what is a serving? How do serving sizes vary for different types of foods? How can you be sure the amount of food on your plate is right for you?

health6One Serving Equals:

1 small fruit = size of a baseball

1/2 cup of vegetables, rice or pasta = size of a computer mouse

1 1/2 ounces of cheese = size of 4 dice

1 cup of cereal = size of small fist

2-3 ounces of chicken, meat or fish = size of a deck of cards


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