Should We Question Our Perspective?

perspective2When you think about it, your disability is about the perspective you take on it. I have had two head traumas thirty years apart.

From my perspective, I am doing what I think is right with what I believe to be true. To my amazement, sometimes, I find that the day is wrong but the time is correct. This causes me to go to appointments at the wrong time because of it being the wrong day.

My internal compass is off which gives me an interesting perspective. I wonder how many people could live with my hidden challenges? Perhaps the article “Philosophy & Disability: an overview” by Anita Silvers that  I read on perspective could shed some light on the answer.

Hidden Disability Does Not Mean Disadvantaged.

elite6Hidden disabilities are a physical or mental impairment that significantly limits a person’s ability to move, effects senses, intellectual processing, behavior, learning, and the type of activities a person may do.

To have a disability of any type causes the person experiencing it to cope or adapt. The disability itself does not define the person. It does not mean the disabled are disadvantaged.