Human Behavior

humanbehavior13According to the Questia website, “Human behavior includes all patterns of behavior attributable to the human species as a whole and of individual people. It is studied by a range of natural and social sciences such as biology, neuroscience, psychology, anthropology and sociology. Human behavior is influenced by culture and tradition, as well as by human physiology and genetic factors.”

Hidden disabilities experienced by many may cause increases in risk factors associated with their behavior. These risk factors when not addressed can lead to increased pain, aggression, crime, violence or death.

humanbehavior10The pain of living with hidden disabilities is understated and the most misunderstood component of this type of health challenge. It should be researched further. The author believes the field of study is “behavior science“.

Behavior science can be used to help us to better understand the influences of pain in human behavior, including;  aggression and violence as we experience them today at home, in the schools, at special gatherings, travel, and most menacing is in the church.