Emotional and Psychological Trauma

The helpguide website describes “Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world.”

traumaThere is no correct way to respond to trauma. “The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized.”

The “Pain” of Fitting In

youth3Psychology Today website has a very interesting article on the development of today’s adolescent. What most interested me was their remark, “What doesn’t serve a young person well is when they are cut off from self-understanding and are unknowing, and when they are socially cut off from others and are alone. Unhappiness + emotional ignorance + social isolation= more risk of doing harm.”

Parents and adults surrounding our have to help our youth better understand themselves as they grow into adults.


Real Talk: Traumatic Brain Injuries Change Everything

braininjuryAccording to the Brainline website, “TBI is different. It upsets life on multiple levels: physical, psychological, social, and even spiritual. TBI affects the roots of who we are — our ability to think, to communicate, and to connect with other people.”

I can attest to their statement because I have had two TBI’s. My life has been disrupted since I was 18 years old. My second TBI further disconnected me from other people. Brainline describes my challenges perfectly.