Cassandra McCann’s Review Makes You Think.

bookreview6Cassandra M’s Place: Missing Frames: Memoir of a Woman Living with Hidden Disabilities by Scooter Review

“Sharing her story in a way that is so open, honest and from the heart makes this read a really unique one.   I could not imagine having to go through the same situations and this book drew me into Scooter’s story until the very end.  Living with a disability no one can see, how would you handle that?  It really makes you think.”

When people want to give up…

…they need to understand that is normal. Life is hard. It is difficult for all of us. But we need to keep moving. Depression hates a moving target. We need to keep moving. Emotion is about motion. Emotion motivates us to move toward what we value, toward what is important. It isn’t just about getting up when we fall. It’s about getting up and moving toward what we value. I valued my faith in Jesus to speak on my behalf when I prayed.

Mindfulness is key…


We need to mind our minds.

We need to take care with our thoughts. Sometimes a thought can be dangerous. Being present is key. The past is gone. We can’t have it back. We accept this moment and all it offers. We open our hearts and minds and trust we are taken care of. We forgive, educate ourselves, and we keep moving forward.