Emotional health is an important part of overall health

anxietyI know, because my health challenges have been directly related to stress and how I dealt with life emotionally. Personally, I have a tendency to hold things in. Not good. Stress translates in the body to work harder. Ultimately, the internal tension often leads to health issues.

C.T.E., the degenerative disease linked to repeated blows to the head

The New York Times reported Dr. Ann McKee, a neuropathologist, has examined the brains of 202 deceased football players. A broad survey of her findings was published on Tuesday in The Journal of the American Medical AssociationBrain_Cover1

“Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), causes myriad symptoms, including memory loss, confusion, depression and dementia. The problems can arise years after the blows to the head have stopped.”


Common Denominators: What do Hidden Disabilities have in common?

disabilitycAmazing isn’t it? There are common denominators in hidden disabilities. If you have one or more or know someone who does, hidden disabilities changes your life.

  • One is unable to “see” the disability.
  • There are no “visible” supports to indicate a disability such as canes, wheelchairs, use or sign language used.
  • It is a permanent disability that one copes with on a daily basis.
  • The disability may be managed through medication or behavior such as in the case of diabetes, asthma, epilepsy or psychiatric disorders.
  • It needs to be a documented disability in order to receive reasonable accommodations under the ADA.
  • The person is in some kind of physical or emotional pain.

Why Positive Youth Development Works

pyd2According to Child Trends, “Positive youth development is an intentionalpro-social approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive; recognizes, utilizes, and enhances youths’ strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and furnishing the support needed to build on their leadership strengths.”

Then they break it down