What is Misattribution?

Harvard Medical School has a great resource on its website – Harvard Health Publishing.

The website addresses misattribtion. “Misattribution occurs when you remember something accurately in part, but misattribute some detail, like the time, place, or person involved. Another kind of misattribution occurs when you believe a thought you had was totally original when, in fact, it came from something you had previously read or heard but had forgotten about. This sort of misattribution explains cases of unintentional plagiarism, in which a writer passes off some information as original when he or she actually read it somewhere before.”

Names for Marijuana

weedmapI used to call it gangi when I was in my teens. Now there are a number of names that have evolved over time. Amazing! Rehabs.com has a nice article about weed.

What do you think about the use of marijuana?


Harvard researchers show links between sugar and heart disease

fastfooAccording to the Business Insider, “In the late 1960s, a food industry group called the Sugar Research Foundation paid three Harvard researchers $6,500 (about $50,000 today) to discount research that increasingly showed links between sugar and heart disease and to point the blame at fat instead, according to an analysis of historical food industry documents that was published the fall of 2016.”